Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How To Choose The Best MLM Leads

by: Jeff Schuman
Copyright 2004 Jeff Schuman

What are the characteristics of the Best Mlm Leads? This is a good question to ask before you spend any money buying leads to build your MLM business. Before we get to that let's take a look at why you would want to buy MLM leads in the first place.

Over the years the multi-level marketing business has gotten a black eye because of the over hyped promises of money and freedom. Very few people have ever achieved a high level of success in any MLM business. And even fewer have ever been able to maintain the level of achievements over a period of time.

That does not make MLM companies bad. Nor does it make the opportunities they afford the average person as a way to make extra money or even as a way to drastically change your lifetsyle. It can be done and using MLM leads is a great way to do it.

There are 2 big benefits to buying MLM leads.

1. It gets you away from approaching your friends and relatives. If you have been in more than one MLM business over the years you may have already approached them and used up your credibility when you were unsuccessful.

2. This is a duplicatible way to build your business that you can pass on to your downline. Any successful network marketing business will tell you that one of the main components of success is duplication. Anyone can buy leads and work them over the phone or thur the internet with the use of an autoresponder.

If you are unsure of how to work a lead over the phone I would suggest getting the book "Recruit Your Way To Millions" by Fred Stegge. After reading this book you will be able to explain what you do and what you offer to a new prospect in 30 seconds or less. http://www.team-schuman.com/recruit-your-way

If you are unsure of what an autoresponder is or how to use one read this article I wrote "How To Effectively Use An Autoresponder." This is an absolutely essential business tool if you are going to succeed online with your MLM business.

Now that you understand some of the benefits of buying MLM leads and how to market to them let's take a look at what are the characteristics of the Best MLM Leads.

1. How many times are the leads sold? Many MLM lead companies sell their leads over and over. You will be contacting a prospect that has already been marketed to. Personally I like eads that are exclusive to me.

2. How old are the leads? Would you rather contact a prospect that has expressed an interest in the past 48 hours or in the past 48 days. Being able to strike while the iron is hot so to speak is a great benefit of a fresh lead.

3. How many leads do you get for your money? Obviously the more leads you can get for the best price the more leads you can buy at a time. This is especially important when you are first starting or when you are helping your downline get started.

4. What is the quality of the lead? Nothing compares to a lead that contains both a phone number and email address along with a few qualifying answers to questions like "How much can you invest to get started" or "How soon do you want to get started" or When is the best time to contact you?" If a prospect is answering these type of questions you are getting a much better quality lead than if you just have a name and email address.

5. What is the response rate? This will improve as your skill level at working your leads improves, but the fresher higher quality leads will give you a better response rate even when your skill level is low.

6. Do your leads come with any extras such as an autoresponder, training on how to work leads, pre-written email marketing letters, phone scripts, your own website, flash presentations, etc.

These are the top qualities of the Best MLM Leads. Be careful when choosing a place to get your leads. Not all MLM Lead companies are created equal. It is going to be the single most important decision you make when trying to grow your MLM Business. Make the wrong choice and you will waste your time and money as well as the time and money of your downline. Make the right choice and you can be building your business successfully for years to come.

About the author:
Jeff Schuman has made over $35 Million Dollars in sales in his 20 year sales and marketing career. His Best Mlm Leads website contains the best mlm leads companies available today. His Team-Schuman.com website contains the best make money, and make money online websites anyone can use to get started making money from the comfort of their own home.

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How Do You Make Money Online?

by: Darrell Knox
If you learn how other people make money online, I mean really study how it’s done and ask a lot of questions, there is no reason in the world you cannot make money on the internet as well.
How do people make money with websites? There are literally tens of thousands of things people make money on from the net. From hard goods of all kinds (anything that can be shipped, including cars and boats!) to information and memberships.

People make money selling insurance, car parts, reports on every imaginable topic people want to know more about, selling affiliate products, and even fundraising for charity!

That’s right! People make money helping their favorite charities raise money. By creating an in-demand product for a charity to sell to their members, and letting them keep at least 50%, you can make money as a professional fundraiser.

I know someone who makes money selling a dog biscuit and dog food cookbook! That’s right, a cookbook for dog lovers to make treats for their pets. I told you! Anything goes on the net as long as there are buyers looking for what you sell.

It’s truly mind boggling how some people make money online. You just have to be creative and understand how the net works and how people shop online. You have to know how to get into the search engines so people can find you.

And most of all you need a couple good ideas, or find other people with great ideas and sell THEIR stuff for commission! There is no excuse for failure – the world of internet marketing is your oyster!

There are tons of resource sites that can help you understand every single minute detail of making money online from setting up a website to choosing a hosting service to taking credit cards and filling orders. There’s nothing else like it in the world.

I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

Some people make money on Ebay auctioning things people are searching for right now all over the world. Still other people sell their time as Virtual Assistants helping busy executives and other business owners complete mundane but important tasks the business owner has no time to do.

With some referrals, over time you can be busier than you ever imagined with clients beating down your door because they heard you do great work at reasonable rates. All this without ever meeting ANY of your clients face-to-face. Working online makes working for people in other countries a snap, as long as you speak the language, it’s no different than if the person you sell to or work with lives right down the street.

Bottom line: You CAN make money online if you are the type of person who is a self-starter and motivated to work toward your goals even when the going gets tough.

About the author:
Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience.Website: http://cgi.tripod.com/lazaraus26/cgi-bin/index.pl

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How To Avoid Fraud, Deceit & Scams!

by: Joe Clare
The world is full of people who feel they can take advantage of others to obtain their goals in life. Fraud, Deceit & Scams happen in the real world every day. Just tune into your local news to hear about them. But, Fraud, Deceit & Scams also happen in the virtual world as well. And, unfortunately they often hit those who can lease afford the losses.

Online we are always inundated with "get rich quick schemes" and their claims of "overnight success". If you're like me you find this kind of s.p.a.m clogging up your email box on a daily bases. They tell us how easy it is. How we can just sit back and relax, do nothing all day long and still make a roll full of money. Hell, we might as well go golfing because we'll be making money hand over fist while on the golf course. :-| Now while sitting back and watching the money roll in would definitely be nice, reality is, rarely does any get rich quick scheme ever work. The promises of millions never pan out no matter how hard you try.

The problem here is that so many people want and need to make more money. And they want to make that money as quickly as they can. So they believe, or hope that what the scammer is telling them will be true. But understand this, even the greatest, largest companies in the world took time and work to build. Martha Stewart for example will tell you that she started her business in the basement of her house. And look where that business is today. A multi billion dollar a year corporation. While we all can't be Martha Stewart or Donald Trump or Hugh Heffner we can have our own successful home based business if we just stay away from the scams.

So, how do we spot the scams? Well, if you are serious about operating your own home based business there are things you can watch out for. Sort of the red flags of the business opportunity world. Let's have a look at some now.

- Charging you for information about their business opportunity. It's pretty plain and simple. A so called business opportunity tells you all you have to do is go to your mail box pick up the checks and cash them, but first you must send them a check to get the information on how this is done. I'm of the thinking that your check is going to be the only check getting cashed here. This type of ad appears all over the internet. But if their business opportunity is so good why must you pay to find out what it is. Would it not make more sense to give you that information for free so they could get you interested in their product. I would think so! And unfortunately many people get scammed into sending these frauds the money they ask for. Then if they receive the information they paid for they will often find it pretty much useless and often they are require to send more money for more information. Stay away from these types of ads, they will not get you a successful home based business!

- They want to charge you a fee to sell their products.
O.K., I've got to ask - What's up with that?! If their product is so great won't you be selling them like crazy? Won't you be making money for not only yourself but for the company as well? Don't pay to sell someone else's products.

- They offer you free products.
Ever see these ads where you are entitled to a free (what ever) only to discover you'll need to purchase something first. ie: Sign up today and get (what ever) for FREE! Of course what they don't tell you is you'll have to purchase a sample package first in order to get the freebie.

- Fly by nights
Fly by night companies that pop up and take peoples money operate both offline and online. Very often they disappear without warning. So to keep yourself safe from these frauds ask yourself the following questions. Is this an established company? How long have they been in business? Do they have an actual street address or only a P.O. Box? Or worse, no address and no way to contact them at all? Do they use only an auto responder or do they have an email where you can get in touch with a real person?

I know that all these points seem like common sense. But why then, do so many people ignore them. That is why these scammers can exist. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" when looking for your perfect home based business it is important to look for a company that only gives you the straight goods. No promises of exorbitant amounts of money falling from the sky into your lap without you doing a thing to make it happen. And, they should not be charging you for any information on their business opportunity it should be laid out for you. Use your own common sense, if something looks to good to be true, then it probably is to good to be true.

Best of Luck!
Joe Clare

About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at http://www.ebooksnsoftware.com

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How to Build Customer Trust in your Auctions!

by: Joe Clare
Whether you realize it or not you may be giving your auction visitors a reason not to buy your product or service. And it could be just the smallest of issues that will cause them to think twice about purchasing from your auction. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" you must remove these obstacles from your auction sales page so your visitors will become bidders. Below you'll find some obstacles and how you can solved them on your auction page.

Is This Seller Trustworthy?
This is a question that all your serious auction visitors will ask themselves. As they do not know you they are going to want to check you out. But how will they do this? Well, the first thing they would look for is your feedback rating. Feedback is a way eBay allows buyers and sellers to rate their experiences with each other. If you have a stellar feedback rating your visitor will feel you are trustworthy. Your goal should be to increase your auction feedback and keep it positive.

Another way a visitor might check to see if you are trustworthy is to click over to your about "Me Page". The about "Me Page" is a page you can create in your eBay account. It allows you to give your potential bidders some background information about you and your business. You can also include your feedback and other listed auctions on this page as well. This is where you have a chance to tell your potential bidder about yourself and your business, why he/she should buy from you. I would highly recommend you take advantage of this and create an about "Me Page" in your eBay account.

Also people may have questions regarding your auction. So you could get an email asking about your product or service. You should welcome this opportunity as a way to show your potential bidder you are a real person. Take this time to show your integrity, honesty, credibility, and expertise in your product or service. Include on your auction page an email link and tell your visitors that any inquires are welcome.

What About A Guarantee?
You always need some sort of guarantee for your product or service. Again it will help to show your visitor you are a trustworthy business person. Remember that your buyer assumes most of the risk here. He/she is buying from someone that they have never met, a product that they have only seen in a photo, and they must pay for that product in advance of receiving it. A guarantee that is appropriate for your product or service will help your visitor become a bidder.

How Do I Pay?
The more options you have for payment the more visitors will become bidders. There are many means of payment. The normal being PayPal. PayPal is an eBay company so having a PayPal payment button on your auction is an easy and free option to include on your auction sales page. But besides PayPal you may want to consider excepting other payment options as well..

What About Delivery?
Always fully disclose how your product or service is delivered and your delivery charge. Whether you are sending it via the postal service or a courier your bidder will want to know how he/she should expect to receive the purchase and what the cost will be. You can usually approximate deliver time and cost based on information you obtain from your local post office or courier.

If you answer the above questions on your auction page you will be building customer trust and he/she is more likely to become a bidder. And more bidders means more profits for you!

Happy Selling!
Joe Clare

About the author:
Joe Clare is a successful eMarketer and Author. He has written numerous articles on eBay and how to make money online. Check out his latest ebook plus FREE Articles, Hot Tips and Advice on how you can make a Serious Income with Online Auctions. http://www.ebooksnsoftware.com

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How to Build Your List – 7 Powerful Strategies

by: Trent Brownrigg
Copyright© Trent Brownrigg

I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

How to Build Your List – 7 Powerful Strategies

If you have been an internet marketer, or had any type of online home based business, for more than a few days, then you will no doubt have heard someone say, "if you want to make money online, you have to build an opt-in list."

Take that advice very seriously, because it’s true! It took me a long time to finally let the list building advice sink in, so I didn’t start doing it until I had my home business for quite a while. However, once I started building my list, I realized just how important it truly is. My only regret now is that I didn’t start a lot sooner.

There are numerous ways to build an opt-in list. However, some are much more effective than others. So, I decided to share seven of the most powerful strategies to build a targetted opt-in list.

Here are seven tips for building your opt-in list, in no particular order:

1) Free Newsletter – Offering a free newsletter from your website is one of the most common, and effective ways to build an opt-in list. It is also one of the best strategies for building trusting relationships with your list.

Pack your newsletter full of useful information, free resources, tips, tools, and anything else your subscriber list will be interested in. Also, be sure to make it fun and add your personality to it. Then your subscribers will enjoy reading it and get to know you at the same time.

2) Make It Easy to Subscribe – To maximize your newsletter sign-ups, you must also have a quick and easy way for people to subscribe to it. The best way to do this is to put a simple form on the top part of the left hand column of your websites home page, and all other pages, if possible.

Put a quick sentence or two telling them why your newsletter would benefit them (i.e. freebies, resources, tips, tools, etc…) then have a way for them to add their email address and name below it. This simple form will bring in a lot of your subscriber list.

3) Quality Content – Packing your website full of quality content will bring in a lot of visitors. Many of these visitors will then subscribe to your newsletter. Your list will grow naturally and so will your search engine rankings, which will bring even more visitors who can join your list. It will eventually turn into a list building, money making cycle.

4) Forums – There are literally thousands of forums and discussion boards on the internet where people go to discuss all sorts of things and ask questions. All you have to do is find forums related to your particular business and particpate in the discussion.

Most of the forums allow you to put a signature line under your post, which is where you can put a link to your subscription information. Do not spam the forums in any way. Make absolutely certain you offer legitimate posts, with useful information, or you will ruin your reputation in no time.

5) Write Articles – This is well-known technique for establishing yourself as an expert in your field and getting inbound links to your site. Furthermore, it is just as effective for building your opt-in list. All you have to do it put a link to your newsletter subscription in the byline of the article and submit the article to websites, directories, and ezines.

I think writing articles is actually one of the best ways to build your list because the readers already see you as an expert. They will think of you as a knowledgeable individual and someone they can trust before they even join your list. Profits will roll in much faster from these subscribers.

6) Co-Registration – This is something you may have never even heard of, but it is used by many top internet marketers to build huge lists in a very short amount of time. I actually first learned of this list building technique after reading an article from one of the top marketing experts on the internet.

Rather than go on about what co-registration lists are, instead I am going to simply tell you that they are a very effective way to build a monster list in a short amount of time. You can find my recommended co-registration service at http://work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com/nlb.html . At their website you will be able to learn more about what co-registration lists are and how they work.

7) Write an E-book – Internet marketers are always looking for freebies to give away on their websites, as bonuses for purchases, and to send to their lists. This is a great opportunity for you to build your own list. All you have to do is write an e-book and let other internet marketers give it away.

The e-book doesn’t have to be anything too elaborate; you can just make it a collection of your best articles, business tips, and business resources. Of course, you will put links to your newsletter subscription and website. Then, give it away, and watch it turn into a viral list building machine.

There you have it, seven powerful strategies that are sure to build your opt-in list. Putting these list building strategies into play as soon as possible will quickly sky-rocket your list numbers, and increase your profits, more than you could have ever imagined.

About the author:
Trent Brownrigg is a successful internet marketer and home business mentor. Visit his website at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.comand he will personally help you succeed with your own home business. You can subscribe to his “Biz Tips Newsletter” by sending a blank email to: workathomebiz [at] aweber [dot] com

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How to Build A Niche Web Site in 9 Simple Steps

by: Donna Monday
Maybe you’ve been wondering how to go about setting up a niche web site. Well, here’s a quick little article that will show you how to create your very own affiliate web site. Please note: this is the cheat sheet version. There is a lot more information you should learn about this subject before you get started.

Step 1. Pick a Niche Subject

This may be the hardest part of your web site project. There’s literally tons of subjects to choose from. People are interested in a variety of things – from parrots to pilots. You don’t have to necessarily pick something you’re interested in, but it helps.

You’re more likely to do a better job at building your site when you have some interest in the subject matter. It’s like taking a high school or college class. Some subjects are more interesting than others. Make sure you choose something that a reasonable amount of people are actually searching for online and want to find out more information about.

Here’s a free tool that will help you check the popularity of specific subjects: (http://www.nichebot.com)

Step 2. Do Keyword Research

This is a part that many people skip. I’ve made that mistake myself and suffered the consequences – a failed web site. Even though it’s nice to think that you can write anything you want and have total creative freedom, not using keyword rich content is a BIG mistake.

I’d rather lose some creative freedom and attract visitors to my site, than have a lot of flowery prose that zero people will see. You MUST include targeted keywords in your web site copy. Also, make sure you use your targeted keywords in the upper third portion of your web site pages. This is also called optimizing your web site for the search engines. Use the Overture Keyword Tool for research:

Note: keywords must be relevant to the THEME (subject) of your site. Be careful not to over use them. Search engines don’t like keyword SPAM.

Step 3. Get A Domain Name

Having a unique domain name is important, although some don’t agree. However, a unique domain name makes your site look more professional and trustworthy to visitors. I use BuyDomains (http://www.buydomains.com). They are not the cheapest, but I stick with them because I like their easy interface and good customer service. Nameboy (http://www.nameboy.com) is also good.

Step 4. Write Keyword Rich Content

This may be a hard step for those of you who don’t consider yourselves writers. But, writing web site copy is not as hard as it seems. Just think of it as having a conversation with a friend about a product or service you’re really enthusiastic about.

Don’t think you can extol the benefits of your subject? Tune your TV into QVC or one of the other shopping networks to see how they can spend several minutes talking about the benefits of all kinds of mundane products. This is what you’ll be doing for your web site.

Your copy should feature a good balance of friendliness and professionalism. Remember, you’re passing along useful information to your visitor. Put yourself in their shoes. What would you want to know about xyz subject if you were them? Now, write that down. Don’t forget to sprinkle targeted keywords throughout your copy. I print out a list of them to use for my sites.

If you simply can’t put words onto the page and find yourself staring at a blank screen, then visit Internet marketing forums like Willie Crawford’s (http://www.williecrawford.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi) for suggestions on finding writers. Or, visit Elance (http://www.elance.com).

Step 5. Build Your Web Site

Ok. You’ve created your copy. Now it’s time to build the actual physical web site. I use Homestead (http://www.homestead.com), but there are many good point and click web site builders out there.

You have a lot of creative freedom on how you want your site to look (I prefer black copy on white backgrounds with photos), but remember that people are looking for attractive, easy-to-navigate sites with useful information.

Step 6. Sign Up for Matching Affiliate Programs

You’ve created a web site about xyz subject. Now look for affiliate vendors who perfectly match the theme of your site. Integrate your affiliates attractively into your web site copy. Don’t confuse your visitors by giving them too many choices.

If you want to list a lot of affiliates on the same page, you can create a helpful “resource guide” page.

Step 7. Include Google Adsense Ads

Google has a great program for web site owners who wish to make a little extra money for simply displaying google ads on their web site. It’s easy to sign up and free. Just visit google
(http://www.google.com/ads) and sign up for their Adsense program. They’ll give you some html code to copy and paste on your site.

While google decides which ads will actually appear on your site, you can decide how the google ads will look – choose colors, borders, etc. and where to put them on your pages.

Step 8. Find Link Partners

I found out that exchanging links with other web site owners is a MUST if you want to improve your search engine rankings. Google especially will consider your site more relevant if your site has other sites linking to it. Also the ad copy from other sites, if relevant, can add more valuable keyword content to your own site.

I use Linkmarket (http://www.linkmarket.net) to find credible web sites to exchange links with. It’s free to join.

Step 9. Write Articles to Promote Your Site

Oh oh. Here’s that writing thing again. Well, you better get used to it, because writing articles like this one (normally your articles will be about the subject matter of your web site) will help give your affiliate web site much needed exposure. It doesn’t matter if you write them yourself or hire others (ghostwriters) to write them for you.

You’ll find that the best Internet marketers all write articles to promote themselves, their newsletters, and products and services. Remember, there’s a reason the Internet is called the “information” super highway.

After writing your articles, you can post them to an article directory site like Article City (http://www.articlecity.com). People can easily find your articles to use as free content for their sites.

Now, I suggest that you print this article out and refer to it often as you go about creating the next great affiliate web site. Good luck!

About the author:
Copyright 2004
Donna Monday
Here’s an example of a niche site I set up for job seekers:
More on niche marketing here: http://url123.com/mn6dk

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How I Achieved 7 Top Ten Google Rankings Without Breaking a Sweat

by: Alexis Dawes
Copyright 2005 Alexis Dawes

Back in November 2004 I discovered a way to get a top 10 ranking in Google. I tested the technique for 3 months before I shared my findings with the world.

Some people worked my technique and are still holding on to their top Google rankings. Others criticized it, and decided not to give it a go.

Since November 2004 my targeted keywords have gotten more competitive. Webmasters have gotten swifter and saavier with their techniques. New tactics for gaining top 10 listings have emerged, and are enjoying their place in the spotlight.

And here I am still sitting blissfully with the same top 10 Google rankings that I had nine months ago. In fact, I've added several more in July 2005, just to make sure my rankings weren't maintaining because of some seniority algorithm. (Hey, you never know with Google!)

Here's what I've discovered in that time frame.

While Google still hesitates for weeks (but more often for months) to list new sites in their ranking structure, optimized pages from sites that alaready have a good Google ranking get spidered and listed much faster.

How fast?

Using this precise theory I got a #1 rank for a targeted keyphrase within 3 days.

Sounds exciting.

But unfortunately it's not easy to find sites that have great Google rank, and will permit you to freely promote your product, service or web site.

Here are two such sites that'll give you an easy in to a possible top Google ranking--

1) EzineArticles.com

EzineArticles.com is one of the best kept secrets for getting top Google rankings.

Articles submitted there are often spidered within 1-3 days. A well optimized article can easily land in a top 10 slot.

Take for example the keyphrase- "ingrown pubic hair"

An article featured at EzineArticles.com holds the #1 position at Google for this targeted keyphrase.

How popular is such a keyphrase?

Well according to the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool, 975 searches were done in June 2005 for that very phrase. And in my personal experience, Google almost always yields more searches than Overture.

The author of the article is promoting an ingrown hair treatment spray, within the resource box of the article.

So he's receiving a boatload of free traffic to his site, because of this particular article.

Still not convinced? Here's another...

2) Epage.com

Epage.com is a popular classified ad site, with a wide variety of categories.

Often times if you optimize an ad for a specific keyphrase the ad will get picked up by Google, and placed in the top 10.

For instance, the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool says that "hammer strength exercise equipment" receives 60 searches per month.

A search for hammer strength exercise equipment at Google places an epage.com ad for in the #4 slot.

Pretty neat.

Now some of you are probably thinking that's a nice trick for keyphrase's that target small niches. But does it work for competitive keyphrases like "fix bad credit" or something along those lines?

No... it doesn't.

This technique only works with smaller, niche targeted keyphrases.

But if you're an online entrepreneur who develops specialty sites, centered around niche topics, this is one technique you can use to bring an ongoing flow of traffic to your site.

I run a sinus infection information web site, and for the past 6 months this is the only tactic I've used to generate traffic. In fact, it took me exactly two days to get a #1 position for an ad using my targeted keyphrase. (Today that same ad hovers around #3-#6, depending on the dance Google is doing.)

The great thing is I earn AdSense revenue from that particular site almost every single day.

The other point you should keep in mind is that this tactic doesn't work with all classified ad web sites.

There are literally only a handful classified ad sites that get spidered by Google on a regular basis, AND have ad's consistently showing up in the top 10.

So don't go blasting your ad to 50,000 different sites, cause it's not going to work. There's an art to doing it the right way.

Either way, it's definitely worth trying the two sites listed in this article. Targeted traffic is always good traffic, no matter how much it is.

About the author:
Alexis Dawes is the author of "Taking The Back Road To Get On Google's Front Page." Her report highlights additional sites and insider knowledge she has used to obtain several top 10 listings in Google. You can get more info at: http://www.Get-In-Google-Now.com

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Here's 4 Quick and EASY Steps To Getting Your Website IN Through Googles 'Back Door'

by: Cory Threlfall
Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Google... one of the Internets MOST powerful search engines recently announced a new FREE service that makes it easier for you to improve your websites coverage within Googles index through its NEW collaborative crawling system.

On the down side though, Google does not 'Guarantee' immediate inclusion, But, is still good news for those of you who have just finished building a website and are ready to submit to the top search engines.

So, what's this NEW service called that Google just released?

It's called "Google Sitemaps".

The real cool thing about "Google Sitemaps" IS it accepts RSS(Real Simple Syndication) and Atom feeds with the .XML extension as one of the accepted formats for submitting your websites Sitemap for inclusion in Googles index.

This is just one of the four formats Google accepts and is the one that I'm going to use for the rest of this article to show you how to generate your own .XML sitemap of your website for inclusion in Google.

It's real easy to do so don't worry about it being to complicated.

So, with that said, lets go to Step #1.

Step #1. Sign up for "Google Sitemaps".

This step is easy, simply follow the link provide below and sign up for a Free account. It should only take you a few minutes to do, then once your done, come back here and go to Step #2.

Go to: http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login

Step #2. Generate your .XML sitemap.

In this step your going to generate a .XML sitemap for your website using a Free online sitemap generator.

This Free online generator will build you a sitemap up to 500 pages. If you have a larger website with thousands of webpages you'll have to use a paid service and/or software to generate yours.

Go to: http://www.xml-sitemaps.com

Enter your required information on the form provided.

Step #3. Upload your generated .XML sitemap to your server.

Once your generated sitemap is finished(your generated .XML file should be called site.xml.gz) it's now time to upload it to your server using your FTP(File Transfer Protocol) program.

This is very important that you do this before submitting it to Google Sitemaps for inclusion.

Step #4. Submit your NEW .XML sitemap to "Google Sitemaps".

Now that you have generated your "Sitemap" for your website and uploaded it to your server all you have to do now is to go to "Google Sitemaps" and submit your sitemap URL.

(ex. http://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml.gz)

That's it.

Now, depending on Google, your sitemap should get downloaded within the next 24 hours, so be sure to check and see that it did and that there wasn't any problems or errors.

Also, your going to want to be able to track your indexed webpages within the search engines, especially Google, so you can see how things are going, so I'll leave you with one last resource that will do this for you.

Go to: http://www.uptimebot.com

All you have to do is enter your URL and click "GO".

The results page will list the results from Google and 9 other popular search engines.

Well, there you have it... "4 Quick and EASY Steps To Getting Your Website IN Through Googles 'Back Door'".

About the author:
Want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets on How-To drive Traffic to your website? Subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet Wonders eZine at -- http://www.internetwondersezine.com-- Or, search his popular CBmall with over 10,000 ready to download products. Go to ==> http://www.internetwondersezine.com/cbmall

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Grow your Internet Business with Pay Per Click Search Engine

by: Arthur
By © Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity

As you probably know, Google is the world largest search engine serving around 200 million requests of information a day at the time of writing this article. With such a large users based, no wonder many internet businesses are currently making use of Google Adwords (http://adwords.google.com) to GROW their internet business.

With a small activation fees of US$5.00, you can start getting high quality traffics to your website. Bidding for Adwords start from a range of US$0.05 - US$100

However, it doesn't mean that you should rush into Google Adwords without any proper plans.

First determined which MARKETS are you TARGETING and how you want to market your products or services. For e.g. if you are selling an affiliate product, first find out information like:

- is it a global products/services that is available and delivered for every country
- the Language of the Target market
- which countries are internet savvy and more likely to buy your products/services
- is there any payment restriction for e.g. clickbank and paypal both have their countries restriction where payment will not be accepted. You will be wasting your money if you include those countries in Google Adwords.

Next, with the above information collected, you can start to write out your Adwords bidding strategy.

You will burn a hole in your pocket if you just bid for two keywords like [home business]. To lower your cost per
click, try bidding for a combination of words.

For example:
- based business home home make money online work
- make money at home easy home business
- business earn home make money money online work

Bidding for adwords required research, trail and error. Normally, PPC like Google Adwords will have a keywords research tools which allows you to research common search words. Try to think of as many different
combination of words that you think you'll used to search for a home business opportunity. Also, you can asked your family members or friends what word will they used if they were searching for a home business opportunity.

With the bidding plan in place, you should now think about how you can capture as many email address as you can when the visitors click through to your website. The COST per click is already there and normally, it take a human 7 days to consider before they take any buying actions.

Many PPC Marketers will have either a free ezine or short marketing course with an autoresponder to capture their web visitors email address so that they can follow-up with them.

Finally, monitor your Sales Conversion result for each PPC promotions and check whether are you targeting the correct markets with those keywords which you have bid.

If you plan wisely before embarking your PPC promotion, you can actually maximize your Income against your cost.

Wishing you success in using PPC promotion for your Internet Business.

About the author:

Copyright @ Arthur
Choosing a Legitimate Internet Home Businesss Opportunity in a Large and Well-established company with the RIGHT support system is VERY important in building a Profitable Work At Home Business.

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How to Build Massive Keyword Lists - Part 1

by: Rob Taylor
As keyword marketing becomes more and more expensive and competitive, it has become essential when building your lists to focus on the maximum number of phrases and their variations that a surfer might enter into the search engines.


Because according to Amit Singhal, principal scientist at Google, a guy who really should know what he's talking about, over 50% of the 200 million searches performed a day have never been searched before. He also said: "When performing a search most surfers give a 2-4 word query".

So here are my top 18 recommended ways to build massive keyword lists:

1. Visit your competitor's web pages and look in the title and meta tags.

2. Search for brand names in Google's Sandbox. This will return additional keywords that searchers entered when using the brand name. You can also enter regular keyword phrases and get related keyword phrases that have been searched on Google.
Link: https://adwords.google.com/select/main?cmd=KeywordSandbox

3. Look over your past customer testimonials, and see if there are any keywords you can use. This strategy lets you get inside your customer's mind to produce more market centric keywords.

4. Consider synonyms. A synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in the language. Enter your keywords into Roget's Theasaurus for a list of related synonyms. Also visit LexFN.
Links: http://thesaurus.reference.com & http://www.lexfn.com

5. Think of singular and plurals keywords.

6. What about verbs? Example: Ride, rode, ridden, ridding, rides.

7. Use hyphenation and variations. Example: off-shore, offshore, off shore.

8. Consider domain names. Many people enter domain names into the search engines rather than their browser address bar. Example: cnn.com. In June 2005 cnn.com was searched 843,256 times on Overture.com.

9. Get books on your subject and use the terms in the index and glossaries to grow your keyword lists.

10. Download a free copy of Weblog Expert Lite. Then ask your web host how to download your raw stats files. Run them through the software and you will then discover every possible keyword combination that surfers have used to find your website.
Link: http://www.megastep.com/wle

11. Use Wordtracker. What does Wordtracker do? "... helps you find all keyword combinations that bear any relation to your business or service - many of which you might never have considered." Wordtracker is an essential tool to use.
Link: http://www.keywordlistbuilder.co.uk

12. Then go to the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool. Enter in a keyword and Overture returns all the prior month's searches that include your phrase. The problem with the Overture tool is that it doesn't give you the exact way that the search was entered. This is why it is essential to use a tool like Keyword Tumbler (see # 18) to generate the maximum possible number of keyword combinations that a user might enter a search phrase into the engines.
Link: http://inventory.overture.com

13. Use abbreviations and misspellings. A good misspelling tool is Search Spell. Search Spell uses actual misspellings entered into the search engines. Misspelled Keywords is another software tool that will literally create thousands of misspellings for any given keyword phrase you enter into it.
Link: http://www.searchspell.com/typo &

14. Use acronyms. An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name. Example: due diligence becomes DD. A good acronym generator is Acronym Finder.
Link: http://www.acronymfinder.com

15. Combine your keyword phrase into one word. Example: strawbale houses => strawbalehouses.

16. Use "space" and "+" with keywords. Example:
- strawbale+houses
- strawbale +houses

17. Visit Crossword Compiler and download their demo software. Plug in your keywords and discover a multitude of additional words.
Link: http://www.crossword-compiler.com

18. Once you have your list compiled visit Keyword Tumbler and download the free software. Put your keywords into a text file and then let Keyword Tumbler generate multiple variations of each keyword phrase you have... instantly!
Link: http://www.keywordtumbler.com

It does this simply by mixing the words in each phrase around. Example: "horses for sale" generates a list like this...

horses for sale
horses sale for
for horses sale
for sale horses
sale horses for
sale for horses

As Perry Marshall, author of the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords said at a recent seminar: "Every combination of keywords that somebody could conceivably type in on Google is a market."
Link: http://www.megastep.com/pm

I hope you have found this advice useful? It's the exact same procedure I use everyday when fighting the pay-per-click wars.

About the author:
Rob Taylor has been marketing online since 1996. Take advantage of his battle tested marketing strategies that could quietly make you five figure cash profits every month. Subscribe free to his high content newsletter at http://www.megastep.com

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

How can you Earn Money On The Web?

by: Tal Fighel
Copyright 2005 Tal Fighel

Are you looking to earn money on the web? Let's look at 3 easy ways you can earn money using the internet. Affiliate programs, home based business, and internet marketing.

Affiliate programs:

Affiliate programs may be the easiest way to earn money on the web. Why?

With any online business you must have a product or service to sell. First you must create this product or service and then you must be able to fill orders or find people who will sell it for you for a hefty commission.

Affiliate programs allow you to sell another company's service or product and make a commission on every sale or lead. You do not even need to build a website, process the order, ship the product to the person, or anything like that. Your only job is to drive traffic (customers) to your affiliate link and hope that they click on it and buy the product.

An affiliate link is a special URL code that will identify customers coming to the company's site from your advertising. It will likely be the website address with a code attached to the end.

Some affiliate programs also have tiers. That means if someone who is interested in SELLING the product comes through your link and signs up you will also get a small percentage of THEIR earnings. This is also called internet network marketing.

A home based business:

This is a business which is really described as a work at home business. The person reserves a room in the house and builts an office in it. There they have there own computer, telephone, possibly a secretery, and some nice furniture.

A home business can be anything from party plans, to mlm businesses, or any business based in your home and conducted outside of it.

Internet marketing:

This is the use of the internet to advertise and sell real tengible merchandise or services. This involves the use of someone's site and e-mail to inform his/hers customers about a product, answer their questions and feedbacks, and accept their orders directly through the online internet world.

Virtually any product or service can be sold online for a generous commission. This is a great way to earn money if you already have a product.

An excellent program that combines all 3 things, affiliate programs, internet marketing, and your own home business is the Plugin Profit Site (PIPS). In 3 easy steps you can be set up with your own money making website, and internet marketing newsletter that you can run from your own home.

This is, in my view, the best earn money on the web opportunity for someone who doesn't have the knowledge, money, or the time to set up their own home business on the internet. You can learn more here:


About the author:
Tal Fighel has several websites dedicated to helping people earn money online, and earn money on the web. He is a great mentor and can give you the right tools to make money online here: http://www.talfighel.com http://www.talfighel.com/earn-money-on-the-web.html

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Get More Website Visitors Without Going Broke

by: Jim Edwards
Copyright 2005 Jim Edwards

In the never-ending quest to make money online, every website owner wants to get traffic to their website fast.

The main problem they face: finding traffic that converts into buyers without breaking their bank.

In their haste to get the traffic they need, many website operators start throwing money at the problem buying ads and exhaust their advertising budget without any meaningful profit (unless you count the person they paid for the advertising).

The following three rules should help any business, big or small, make money with their online advertising.

** Set An Online Advertising Budget **

Most businesses, especially smaller ones with only a few people (or even one person), don't operate with an advertising budget.

The advertising money gets spent when everything else gets paid, or worse, they spend money on advertising without a plan so they're basically gambling with their money.

By setting an advertising budget, you can factor it into your overall business picture and it gives you a yardstick to measure results.

If you budget $500 a month to advertise and look for ways to spend that money wisely, then your business will grow more predictably than if you advertise sporadically and then wonder why you don't operate with a predictable income stream.

** Follow The Numbers **

Unlike offline advertising on billboards, magazines or in direct mail, you can track virtually all aspects of an online ad, including: how many people saw the ad; how many people clicked the ad; how many sales and how much revenue the ad generated.

Since you can track everything, you can test various phases of the advertising process.

Regardless of whether you operate a real estate agent website, sell an ebook, or hawk your plumbing services online, you can and should measure each phase of the advertising process.

If clicks on your ads fall below expectations, then work on your ad until it generates a healthy click-through rate turning viewers into website visitors.

If you don't convert very many of the website visitors you get into buyers, then your site needs work to do a better job of selling people.

By following the numbers, you can see where you need to focus in the online sales process.

The number one rule of online advertising: use a unique tracking link for each and every one of your ads, preferably one that tracks not only unique visitors, but also sales.

This might add an extra 5 or 10 minutes of work to placing each ad, but it will allow you to see which ads make a profit (so you can run them again) and which ads don't (so you can change or cancel them).

** Go Beyond Pay-Per-Click **

Google AdWords and Overture, the Web's top pay-per-click advertising sources, have made people lazy.

Many website owners never go beyond buying advertising from these two. However, a whole world of advertising exists buying ads on websites targeted to specific niche audiences.

For more, check out www.adbrite.com, a leading broker of online text link and banner advertising.

About the author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist & creator of an amazing course that shows A Quick and Easy Way To Painlessly Set Up Your OWN Money-making 'Mini' Websites... Without Being a Computer Geek, Buying Software, or Paying A Webmaster!" Click => http://www.MiniSiteCreator.com

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Groups Lend Capability to Make Money on the Internet

by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
William Shakespeare once wrote; "The world is a stage on which everyone is a player" ... and in Network Marketing, each player must play his/her part.

To make money on the internet, working from home, you need to find the players that play their parts.

Making money online is much easier when everyone is part of the performance...

Groups play a large part in forming such an association. A Yahoo group is easy to form and allows communication to flow freely amongst the members. Keeping everyone informed of latest developments and ideas, is easily done through groups.

To truely realise the "make money at home" principle, you have to communicate and allow people to interact with each other. Team players are known to be more likely to make money online, than their individual opposites. Many minds are greater than one.

Groups are a think tank of ideas that can transform an individuals personal performance by injecting new ideas and methods into their flagging marketing strategies. To make money online, you sometimes need the sort of push that a Group can give you.

While some groups live a short life, many have been around for over 6 years or more and still give that sort of unconditional support that a new person needs, to make money on the internet. Failure rates are lower when a group is active and being led by motivational methods. The Group structure produces loyalty and belief to many people.

Anyone who is serious about learning how to make money online, should ask if there is a support group available within the business and then check it out, to see how active the group is, by looking at the mailing figures. Most groups record the number of posts made in any particular month. 78 or more would indicate some moderate activity.

Belonging to a number of groups is also a great way of relationship marketing. Joining groups that are aligned to your own personal interests, often foster a great number of business associates. Those are the sort people who are most likely to play their part.

Always remember that to make money on the internet, you have to socialise and be online on a consistent basis. Plugging people into an online group will also help you in your quest to make money online.

About the author:

Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.

An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998.

http://www.the-mba-way.com| Goldcard43@aol.com

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Grow your Internet Business with Pay Per Click Search Engine

by: Arthur
By © Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity

As you probably know, Google is the world largest search engine serving around 200 million requests of information a day at the time of writing this article. With such a large users based, no wonder many internet businesses are currently making use of Google Adwords (http://adwords.google.com) to GROW their internet business.

With a small activation fees of US$5.00, you can start getting high quality traffics to your website. Bidding for Adwords start from a range of US$0.05 - US$100

However, it doesn't mean that you should rush into Google Adwords without any proper plans.

First determined which MARKETS are you TARGETING and how you want to market your products or services. For e.g. if you are selling an affiliate product, first find out information like:

- is it a global products/services that is available and delivered for every country
- the Language of the Target market
- which countries are internet savvy and more likely to buy your products/services
- is there any payment restriction for e.g. clickbank and paypal both have their countries restriction where payment will not be accepted. You will be wasting your money if you include those countries in Google Adwords.

Next, with the above information collected, you can start to write out your Adwords bidding strategy.

You will burn a hole in your pocket if you just bid for two keywords like [home business]. To lower your cost per
click, try bidding for a combination of words.

For example:
- based business home home make money online work
- make money at home easy home business
- business earn home make money money online work

Bidding for adwords required research, trail and error. Normally, PPC like Google Adwords will have a keywords research tools which allows you to research common search words. Try to think of as many different
combination of words that you think you'll used to search for a home business opportunity. Also, you can asked your family members or friends what word will they used if they were searching for a home business opportunity.

With the bidding plan in place, you should now think about how you can capture as many email address as you can when the visitors click through to your website. The COST per click is already there and normally, it take a human 7 days to consider before they take any buying actions.

Many PPC Marketers will have either a free ezine or short marketing course with an autoresponder to capture their web visitors email address so that they can follow-up with them.

Finally, monitor your Sales Conversion result for each PPC promotions and check whether are you targeting the correct markets with those keywords which you have bid.

If you plan wisely before embarking your PPC promotion, you can actually maximize your Income against your cost.

Wishing you success in using PPC promotion for your Internet Business.

About the author:

Copyright @ Arthur
Choosing a Legitimate Internet Home Businesss Opportunity in a Large and Well-established company with the RIGHT support system is VERY important in building a Profitable Work At Home Business.

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Home Business For Frugal People.

by: Michael Ditch
I have proved that anyone can make money on the internet without having to spend a fortune. I have recently been introduced to the Plug in Profit Site. I bought the package, hooked, line, and sinker. I still can not believe that I bought this package it is totally out of character for me. I hate to spend money. I figured that it takes money to make money right? So why not!

*What it did cost me was 60 bucks to get my website up and running.

What I did not realize was that the program (The 30 day course) wanted me to shell out big bucks to promote my “money making website”.

Maybe if I would have spent the thousand dollars as suggested, I may have gotten my first customer allot sooner. I may even be making one thousand dollars a week by now … But I’m cheap I did not shell out the big bucks. What I did do was simple and pretty cheap, and pretty darn effective. I did the following 5 things.

1. I have written articles and submitted them.
2. I have submitted my URL to the search engines for free.
3. I have dropped a few lines in blogs, and forums with a link to my website
4. I have a few Google Adword ads posted. ( I used low cost keywords)
5. The easiest thing I do is add a SIG file to all my emails.( do it, it’s free!)

Most marketers do not use a SIG file. Why? I do not know, not my problem. But I use my SIG file in all of my emails. You know those annoying forward emails, that your friends and family, send to you on a daily bases. I used to hate those things, but now I love them. Why? because I forward them to everyone in my address book, and yup, you guessed it! I use My Signature file. You would be surprised on how far those crazy emails can go. They are like the Energizer bunny they keep going and going; with my SIG file :-). At the end of all of my emails you will see my SIG file.

*** 3 Easy Steps To Make Money Online ***
Launch Your Very Own Money Making Website Today That's 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive Residual Profits For You Right Now...Guaranteed! Visit:

(That is a SIG file incase you do not know what one looks like.)

I have to say that using the 5 steps has brought me new customers, and has made me some impressive money. The good news is, it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, to make money on the internet. Be smart, keep it simple and most of all have fun. When you have the chance do some learning about internet marketing, learn and then learn some more. The more you learn the better off you will be. “knowledge is power”

Semper FI
Michael Ditch

* If you want to know how I got my site for 60 dollars remember I am frugal. ( I saved money by registering my domain with http://www.namecheap.com just a little insider tip :-) )

About the author:
I am Michael Ditch. I always wanted to make money on the internet. I know that the internet has a huge money making opportunities. The only thing I needed was a place to start. Then there was a link that I tripped over one day. That was the link led me to the Plug In Profit Site. Now the sky is the limit for me.
Please visit my home page at http://www.internet5kincome.com

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Google Takes Care of Idiots Too

by: Alexis Dawes
Copyright 2005 Alexis Dawes

There's an old saying that goes, "God takes care of babies and idiots."

Truly this statement applies to me, because when it comes to my search engine optimization skills, I'm on the idiot side of scale. But that's okay because idiots are loved, and can easily survive in the search engine game too.

Let me explain.

Although NONE of my 6 web sites rank in Google's top 10 (or top 20 and 30 for that matter), and I only advertise 2 of my sites using AdWords, Google still helps me make a lot of money.

That's probably because I went into this search engine optimization 'thingy' with a grain of salt. I don't keep any secret arsenals of software tools that reverse engineer web sites to figure out why their ranking high. I haven't read any of the latest must-have volumes on search engine optimization. (Although they're on my to-do list when - and IF - business ever slows down.)

And still my MVP Google does its best to make me happy. And I do my best to give its searchers relevant content. But not in the way that most SEO savvy webmasters would recognize


"It's actually very easy to get traffic from Google if you think outside the box."


My strategy for getting traffic from Google is quite simple.

You see I don't go out of my way looking for link partners. My sites are basically 1-2 page sales letters, and nobody wants to link to me, unless they're getting paid.

Nor do I put a tremendous amount of effort into on-page optimization. I sprinkle my targeted keyphrase here and there, and I'm done with it. I write for my paying customers.

What I do is follow this process:

1) I find other established sites that already have good PageRank and adequate incoming links.

2) I make sure these sites add new content every day. Sites with frequently added content get visited by the Googlebot often... sometimes every day.

3) I then place an advertisement on these sites, promoting my actual web site. When the Googlebot pays these sites a visit, the ad itself (NOT my web page) is ranked in Google for the keyphrase I've used. On many occasions my ad's have reached the #1 position in Google for my targeted keyphrase, in as little as 48 hours.


"Where can you readily find such sites?"


Believe it or not, a handful (literally a handful) of classified ad sites fit the description to a tee.

Backpage.com (http://www.backpage.com/) is one of them.

Backpage.com is a free classified ad service run by New Times, a publisher of alternative news weeklies. They offer classified ad listings for 14 US cities. However even if you're not in one of their specific cities, you may still place an ad.

Certain advertisements placed through Backpage.com have reached top 10 positions in Google. The ad's that get favorably indexed in top 10 positions normally have less competitive keywords in the title. My personal synopsis is that these are keywords that receive fewer than 3,000 searches a month, according to the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool.

An example is 'mobile pc repair.'

This is a low-traffic, but extremely targeted keyphrase.

If you do a search on Google for 'mobile pc repair' you'll notice an ad placed on Backpage.com is featured in the #5 position. Okay, so it's not the best advertisement in the world, but that's irrelevant.

The point is--

* The ad got indexed in a top 10 position in Google.

* Backpage.com allows advertisers to include web site links in the advertisement. So even though this particular advertiser didn't include his/her URL, they very well could have. This would've generated traffic to their site.


"My point?

This is cure for getting targeted traffic while waiting for your actual web site to get ranked."


Early February 2005 webmaster forums around the world were abuzz with groans, gripes and periodic fits of happiness.


Because Google was doing a major update (dubbed Allegra).

Sites that had ranked in the top 10 for years were being mercilessly tossed around. Other sites that hadn't gotten any decent rank in the past were beginning to see the light. And still others didn't notice any changes.

As for me... well my actual sites still didn't rise much in the ranks. I'm still hovering somewhere around #50+.

But that hasn't phased me one bit.

I look at the big picture and understand that getting traffic from Google is much more than having my site reach the top 10.

If I have 50 advertisements (similar to the one's from Backpage.com) that are in top 10 positions, and they're all delivering traffic from targeted keyphrases, I haven't lost anything. All those keyphrases delivering trickles of traffic equal a flood of clicks and orders at the end of the day.

Not a bad deal for somebody who's SEO illiterate. I guess the old saying is true... God really does take care of babies and idiots.

About the author:
Alexis Dawes is the author of "Taking The Back Road To Get On Google's First Page." This report offers details on several more loopholes you can use to get a top Google ranking. You can find more information at (http://www.Get-In-Google-Now.com).

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Google's own AdSense Tips

by: Richard Keir
Copyright 2005 Richard Keir

Google is at least as interested as you are in having your ads perform well on your site. And they've gone to some work to provide the information you need to optimize your AdSense.

What's fascinating to me is that apparently not everyone bothers to read their tips. And even some that do, fail to apply it.

That said, you need to be aware that simply using their tips doesn't guarantee successful ads and decent CTR (Click Through Rate). How many times have you heard this? You have to test. You have to try alternatives and see what really works best for you, on your pages, with your content and your visitors. Test, test, test some more. Track your results, analyze them, try variations. Too many of us don't test. We hear the mantra, but we don't do the work.

First, let's see if we can get an idea about location. (The graphic is included in the article on my site or you can take a look at it at the Google link included below) Generally, above the fold, at the top center of your content, below top navigation is the hottest location. Not immediately below which is good but not quite as hot. In a left sidebar, to the immediate left of primary content or below the primary content are also good. Most other locations are generally cooler.

Again, you need to test and you need to consider your users behavior - and their behavior may vary on different pages with different kinds of content. Google suggests that in some cases, such as articles, the best location can be at the end of the article. To quote Google, "It's almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves, What can I do next?" Well targeted relevant ads right there can provide the answer.

Don't blindly assume that sticking a nice big rectangle in the center above the fold will do it. It may, but depending on your content, it may annoy or inconvenience your users.

Users tend to focus on content, navigation and to a lesser extent graphics. Positioning your ads near these elements will often work well -- if those ads are targeted to your visitors needs.

The top three performers among the Google ad formats are the 336X280 large rectangle, the 300X250 inline rectangle and the 160X600 wide skyscraper. Google reports that the wider formats tend to do better than the taller ones. One reason may be that these are, perhaps, easier to read since they have fewer line breaks and require less eye movement. But, you need to use formats that fit your pages well. Once again, you need to test, but redoing your pages to suit a particular ad format may not be a reasonable alternative and you may discover that a different format actually gets better results.

Now we come to color. Conventional wisdom says that colors which tend to blend into your content do better. Some go so far as to suggest that colors which make the ads look like part of the content are best. Personally, I think anybody really believes those ads are anything but ads, but who knows. Google suggests that you may find that colors that standout from your content do better - or maybe the opposite. This is absolutely an area where you need to test alternative color schemes. Going with the conventional wisdom usually works fairly well, but without testing you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.

Google allows you to have up to three ad units and one link unit on your pages. If you have long pages with lots of text, can only use small ad units or are in a niche with a large ad inventory, multiple units can pay off. Keep in mind that the way ad serving works is that the higher value ads are delivered to the first ad unit block encountered in your code. Always make sure that this first ad unit is displayed in the best location (yeah - test). You want the higher paying ads to be in the prime hot location on your page. Weaker locations can get the lower priced ads. And if none are available, then nothing will display unless you've included an alternate ad URL in your Google code. To maximize monetization you should be including alternate ad URLs, especially if you are putting multiple units on a page. The use of an alternate ad URL also eliminates the possibility of being served PSAs (Public Service Announcements). It's your real estate, maximize your returns.

Nothing here is secret. Except for using the alternate ad URL, all of this information is available from Google's Optimization Tips page - http://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/static.py?page=tips.html . You can buy books and courses, visit a dozen forums and, in the end it comes down to what your visitors do on your site. The best you can get is general guidance. This means averaged outcomes over many sites, many types of content. If you are serious about doing whatever you can to really optimize your AdSense returns, there is only one thing to do - test. Whether it's AdSense, opt-ins, copy, headlines - anything with a measurable outcome that you can track - then the way to improve is to test and keep on testing.

About the author:
Richard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations and eCommerce related matters. For more information on eCommerce sites and eCommerce site building visit http://www.building-ecommerce-websites.com- and you can find more articles at http://www.building-ecommerce-websites.com/articles.

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Google Patent Application – Highlights

by: Halstatt Pires
The recent patent application filed by Google details
numerous items the search engine uses to rank web pages. The
specific application is summarized as:

“A method for scoring a document, comprising: identifying a
document; obtaining one or more types of history data
associated with the document; and generating a score for the
document based on the one or more types of history data.”

The patent application sheds significant light for those
pursuing search engine optimization with Google. Patent
applications can be difficult to understand, so following
are highlights that you should consider for your SEO

Update Your Site

Updating your site is important when it comes to maximizing
your rankings on Google. In addition to the manipulation of
keyword density and meta tags, the patent application
reveals that Google places significant value on how often
your content is updated. The more often you update, the
timely and relevant your site will appear to Google. In
turn, this leads to higher rankings.

To appease mighty Google, consider the following plan of

1. Update pages frequently,
2. Add new pages to your site,
3. Interlink the new pages with others on your site, and
4. Add new pages on a weekly basis instead of all at once.

When Google returns to the site, you want to make sure that
there is new content. The high rankings of blog sites are
evidence of this approach.

Google’s Looking at Your Domain

In a new twist, Google claims that it analyzes the number of
years of domain registration as part of the ranking process.
The application suggests that domains that are registered
for longer periods of time are given more value because such
a commitment shows the site is not a fly-by-night jump page.
It is recommended that you extend all domain registrations
for as long as possible as part of your search engine
optimization efforts. It is difficult to tell how much the
registration process impacts the ranking process, but every
little bit helps.

Google claims that it also digs deeper into domain names to
evaluate the legitimacy of the site. Factors in the
evaluation include the web host and the “who is”
information. According to the patent application, Google
maintains a database of hosts that facilitate spamming of
the Google search engine. While such hosts are not detailed
in the application, pray to God that you are not using one.
You should evaluate your host if your optimization efforts
are not producing results.

If your search engine optimization efforts for Google are
failing, the patent application may provide answers. Talk
about a perfect E-book!

About the author:

Halstatt Pires is with http://www.marketingtitan.com- an
Internet marketing and advertising company comprised of a
search engine optimization specialist providing meta tag
optimization services and Internet marketing consultant
providing internet marketing solutions through integrated
design and programming services.

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Google Page Rank - important or just another number?

by: Richard Grady
Copyright 2004 Richard Grady

In my last newsletter I wrote about how your websites Alexa rating is not actually that important to the success of your online business. In this issue, I want to look at another popular statistic - Google Page Rank - and ask a similar question - is it that important?

First a quick overview as to what the Google Page Rank actually is...

Google Page Rank (or PR as it is often referred to as) is simply an indication of the number of websites that link to a specific website. It also attempts to indicate the quality of those links. PR ranges from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the 'best' PR and 0 being the 'worst'). The vast majority of small business websites will usually find they have a PR of between 0 and 5.

To calculate a particular sites PR, Google uses a fairly complicated algorithm based on the number of web links that it is aware of that link to the site in question. This algorithm will also take into account the PR of the page that is providing the link, thus a link from a web page that has a PR of 7 will be considered more valuable than a link from a page with a PR of 4.

Because of the way in which links from higher PR-ranked sites are considered more important, many people are choosing to buy links from websites with high PR's just so that they can increase their own PR. I have seen sites selling a simple text link on their home page for over $700 a month purely based on the fact that they have a PR of 7 or above. This may seem like a lot of money but when you consider that the website owners that are buying these links often have websites that are in no way relevant to the content of the site linking to them, it is absolutely ridiculous.

Take this example, let's say you have a website about health and fitness and you buy a link for $500 a month from a random website because it has a PR of 7. This random website has no relevance to your health and fitness site so what is going to happen? Well, your own PR may increase as a result of the link. You may get a bit of extra traffic but probably not much since people don't click on links that that they are not interested in. You will definitely be $500 poorer at the end of the month!

Instead, why not spend the $500 on pay-per-click advertising and benefit from some quality, targeted traffic?

Of course, there is a bit more to it than that and the reason that most people want to increase their PR is because Google takes this statistic into account when determining where a website will be displayed in their search results. Many people assume that a high PR automatically equals a high search engine placement for their chosen keywords. Not so....

PR is just one of over 100 different factors that Google takes into account when deciding where your website will feature (and these factors and the main algorithm change on a very regular basis). It is perfectly possible for a website with a PR of 5 to get a higher ranking than a PR 7 site if it has better content or is more relevant for the search term in question.

Remember that relevance is all important with Google and a link from a website that is not relevant to your own site will be considered far less important than a relevant one (which makes buying links from random sites purely because they have a high PR even more crazy).

I have read several rumours lately that Google haven't updated PR's for a couple of months and they are considering phasing PR out or modifying it in some way. This is pure speculation but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. PR is easily manipulated (for example by purchasing links as described above) and Google doesn't like to have their calculations or search results manipulated. It stands to reason that they will be looking at ways of preventing this.

So, in summary, is Google Page Rank important to your business?

Well, it is a good indicator of how many other sites link to yours and how important Google considers your site to be BUT I personally don't place too much importance on this statistic and I certainly won't be paying out for a link from a website just because it has a high PR.

As I said above, Google changes it's rules on a regular basis and I see little point in chasing a particular PR on the basis that it might get you higher search engine rankings. If Google do decide to do away with PR, all your work will have been for nothing.

Instead, concentrate on building quality, relevant links from sites that are connected in some way to your own site content. This will ensure that any traffic you receive via these links will at least have an interest in your site. Building links on this basis will automatically increase your PR over time (without the need to pay out for overpriced, irrelevant links). If you do things this way and Google does scrap the PR indicator, it shouldn't affect you in any way and the links you have in place will continue to benefit you.

Remember, in the same way that a low Alexa rating doesn't guarantee traffic or sales, neither does a high PR. Sure a high PR is a 'nice to have' but lots of traffic and high sales is even nicer :-)

About the author:
Richard Grady has been helping people earn online since 1998. Find out more about Richard at: http://www.thetraderonline.comFree wholesale search engines: UK- http://www.wholesale118.co.ukand US http://www.thewholesaletrader.com

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Google to Compete with PayPal?

by: Ross MacIver
PayPal is secure in its domination over the electronic payment industry, at least for now.

Following reports that Google planned to launch a new Internet payment service (nicknamed Google Wallet), Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, denied that Google would be directly competing with PayPal. He did, however, acknowledge that Google has plans for some type of electronic payment service.

Without revealing any details, Schmidt emphasized that the Google payment service will not offer the same sort of “person to person, store-valued payments system” as PayPal provides.

The Internet commerce industry was rampant with rumours of the new Google service following an e-commerce conference hosted by securities firm Piper Jaffray. Speculation that Google Wallet would encroach on PayPal territory was reinforced by the appearance of a June 20th article in the Wall Street Journal which stated that Google was planning an online payment service to compete with PayPal.

PayPal is a unit of eBay and generates almost 25% of total eBay revenue. It is used by consumers for making a wide variety of Internet purchases. It allows purchasers to use their credit cards without divulging their credit card numbers to merchants. PayPal takes a percentage of each transaction and had revenues of $233.1 million in the first quarter of this year.

Most of Google’s revenue comes from online advertising and this expansion into online payments was seen by many in the industry as yet another example of the rivalry between the two companies.

Google is a giant in Internet commerce with revenues of $3.2 billion last year. A payment service that competed directly with PayPal would be a serious blow to both PayPal and eBay.

Google maintained silence about the rumours until Schmidt’s comments last Tuesday. Without elaborating, he stated that Google’s payment service would be an extension of its existing advertising programs.

About the author:
Copyright 2005 by Ross MacIver

This article may be redistributed freely on the Internet or in ezines as long as the resource box and hyperlinks remain intact.

Ross MacIver is the director of Best Online Content. We provide quality content for your web site and offer a full range of design and SEO services.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Home Business For Frugal People.

by: Michael Ditch
I have proved that anyone can make money on the internet without having to spend a fortune. I have recently been introduced to the Plug in Profit Site. I bought the package, hooked, line, and sinker. I still can not believe that I bought this package it is totally out of character for me. I hate to spend money. I figured that it takes money to make money right? So why not!

*What it did cost me was 60 bucks to get my website up and running.

What I did not realize was that the program (The 30 day course) wanted me to shell out big bucks to promote my “money making website”.

Maybe if I would have spent the thousand dollars as suggested, I may have gotten my first customer allot sooner. I may even be making one thousand dollars a week by now … But I’m cheap I did not shell out the big bucks. What I did do was simple and pretty cheap, and pretty darn effective. I did the following 5 things.

1. I have written articles and submitted them.
2. I have submitted my URL to the search engines for free.
3. I have dropped a few lines in blogs, and forums with a link to my website
4. I have a few Google Adword ads posted. ( I used low cost keywords)
5. The easiest thing I do is add a SIG file to all my emails.( do it, it’s free!)

Most marketers do not use a SIG file. Why? I do not know, not my problem. But I use my SIG file in all of my emails. You know those annoying forward emails, that your friends and family, send to you on a daily bases. I used to hate those things, but now I love them. Why? because I forward them to everyone in my address book, and yup, you guessed it! I use My Signature file. You would be surprised on how far those crazy emails can go. They are like the Energizer bunny they keep going and going; with my SIG file :-). At the end of all of my emails you will see my SIG file.

*** 3 Easy Steps To Make Money Online ***
Launch Your Very Own Money Making Website Today That's 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive Residual Profits For You Right Now...Guaranteed! Visit:

(That is a SIG file incase you do not know what one looks like.)

I have to say that using the 5 steps has brought me new customers, and has made me some impressive money. The good news is, it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, to make money on the internet. Be smart, keep it simple and most of all have fun. When you have the chance do some learning about internet marketing, learn and then learn some more. The more you learn the better off you will be. “knowledge is power”

Semper FI
Michael Ditch

* If you want to know how I got my site for 60 dollars remember I am frugal. ( I saved money by registering my domain with http://www.namecheap.com just a little insider tip :-) )

About the author:
I am Michael Ditch. I always wanted to make money on the internet. I know that the internet has a huge money making opportunities. The only thing I needed was a place to start. Then there was a link that I tripped over one day. That was the link led me to the Plug In Profit Site. Now the sky is the limit for me.
Please visit my home page at http://www.internet5kincome.com

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Grow your Internet Business with Pay Per Click Search Engine

by: Arthur
By © Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity

As you probably know, Google is the world largest search engine serving around 200 million requests of information a day at the time of writing this article. With such a large users based, no wonder many internet businesses are currently making use of Google Adwords (http://adwords.google.com) to GROW their internet business.

With a small activation fees of US$5.00, you can start getting high quality traffics to your website. Bidding for Adwords start from a range of US$0.05 - US$100

However, it doesn't mean that you should rush into Google Adwords without any proper plans.

First determined which MARKETS are you TARGETING and how you want to market your products or services. For e.g. if you are selling an affiliate product, first find out information like:

- is it a global products/services that is available and delivered for every country
- the Language of the Target market
- which countries are internet savvy and more likely to buy your products/services
- is there any payment restriction for e.g. clickbank and paypal both have their countries restriction where payment will not be accepted. You will be wasting your money if you include those countries in Google Adwords.

Next, with the above information collected, you can start to write out your Adwords bidding strategy.

You will burn a hole in your pocket if you just bid for two keywords like [home business]. To lower your cost per
click, try bidding for a combination of words.

For example:
- based business home home make money online work
- make money at home easy home business
- business earn home make money money online work

Bidding for adwords required research, trail and error. Normally, PPC like Google Adwords will have a keywords research tools which allows you to research common search words. Try to think of as many different
combination of words that you think you'll used to search for a home business opportunity. Also, you can asked your family members or friends what word will they used if they were searching for a home business opportunity.

With the bidding plan in place, you should now think about how you can capture as many email address as you can when the visitors click through to your website. The COST per click is already there and normally, it take a human 7 days to consider before they take any buying actions.

Many PPC Marketers will have either a free ezine or short marketing course with an autoresponder to capture their web visitors email address so that they can follow-up with them.

Finally, monitor your Sales Conversion result for each PPC promotions and check whether are you targeting the correct markets with those keywords which you have bid.

If you plan wisely before embarking your PPC promotion, you can actually maximize your Income against your cost.

Wishing you success in using PPC promotion for your Internet Business.

About the author:

Copyright @ Arthur
Choosing a Legitimate Internet Home Businesss Opportunity in a Large and Well-established company with the RIGHT support system is VERY important in building a Profitable Work At Home Business.

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